Thursday, June 13, 2019

What To Do When A Dental Implant Fails

Dental implants are a common surgical procedure where a trained dental professional inserts artificial roots into the jaws. These are then used to replace missing teeth or correct damaged dental devices. It can take a few months to a year to heal from the procedure. But what happens if you don’t recover, forcing the implant to fail? Dr. Ramin Bahram and his staff at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania can help. He and his team are available at four different locations in Folsom, Philadelphia, and Clifton Heights, PA.


It’s important to keep in touch with Dr. Bahram’s team during the healing process. If you notice any unusual symptoms, contact us immediately. This includes the implant feeling loose, pain, swelling or infection, and bleeding. There are factors that can put you at risk. If you are a smoker, it’s best to stop smoking entirely throughout the healing process. Certain conditions like gum disease and bruxism can cause damage to the implant. Osteoporosis diminishes your bone strength, making it difficult for the implant to anchor. Make sure to discuss any daily medications with our staff to ensure there aren’t any negative interactions.


Short-term implant failure is simple to treat. Dr. Bahram will remove the damaged implant. But what happens if an implant fails in the long run? If the implant has already healed and been restored, treatment is much more advanced. Common long-term failure is caused by Peri-implantitis. This is a serious and chronic infection in the bone and gums. Treatment varies by patient and severity. Frequent dental examinations are a must, with laser therapy and surgery needed to restore the bone. Antibiotics are used as a supplement to other treatments. Other long-term problems are easier to fix. These usually involve prosthetic issues like fractures or damage.


Talk to Dr. Bahram about preventing any complications. Any changes to your health can affect the success of your implant. Keeping up a strict oral hygiene routine is critical. Remember to brush twice a day for at least two minutes. Floss daily as well. Antibacterial mouthwash can reduce the risk of infection by eliminating bacteria.


Dr. Ramin Bahram and his staff are available at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania. We can be reached at four separate locations in Clifton Heights, Folsom, and Philadelphia, PA. To learn more, call or visit our website.

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