There’s an endlessly long list of reasons why it’s important to get a six-month dental examination. One of them is to get treatment for Dry Mouth, also known as Xerostomia. It’s a lack of saliva in the mouth. The dryness makes it difficult to talk, eat, and drink. Talking to Dr. Ramin Bahram and his staff at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania can get you on the path to treatment. We have four available locations in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights. Contact us to learn more.
Patients with untreated dry mouth experience a lower quality of life. Besides the discomfort of the condition, it can lead to heightened dental problems. The lowered amounts of saliva attract bacteria. It functions like a natural cleansing solution for your mouth. Without it, patients report increased amounts of plaque.
Dr. Bahram may ask a few questions to help determine the cause of your dryness. There is a dense amount of medications that can cause dryness. This includes types that treat pain, blood pressure, and even allergies. An autoimmune disorder can also be the case. Sjögren's syndrome is a systematic disease that targets the salivary glands. A side effect of chemotherapy and many cancer treatments results in dryness. Lastly, smoking commonly produces dry mouth.
Your recommended treatment varies depending on the root of the problem. This can include eliminating certain foods and drinks from your diet. Sugar is known to dry out the mouth. Cut back on coffee, soft drinks, tea, and alcohol. Talk to your doctor about any medications you take frequently and whether they can be at fault. Try increasing the amount of water you intake too. This should moisten your mouth. There are also products designed specifically for treating dry mouth. Most grocery stores sell different varieties of dry mouth gel. There are also products like toothpaste and mouthwashes that target your symptoms.
Dr. Ramin Bahram and his staff are available by appointment at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania. Our offices are in four separate locations in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights, PA. Visit our website to learn more or call today.
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