It may seem redundant, but brushing and flossing every day is necessary for your oral health. Neglecting your dental routine leads to periodontal (gum) disease. The early stages, like Gingivitis, can be reversed. Advanced stages require aggressive treatments like Soft Tissue or Gum Grafts. Dr. Ramin Bahram and his staff at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania offer this procedure to our patients. Contact our offices in the Philadelphia, Folsom, and the Clifton Heights areas.
An unclean mouth attracts hordes of bacteria, leaving plaque on your teeth. Gingivitis occurs when these bacteria attack the soft tissues or gums. They become inflamed and painful. Eventually, the bacteria create large pockets. Dr. Bahram and his staff can clean these out, but they’ll still be visible. An abnormal amount of tooth structure will be showing. It’s not only aesthetically displeasing but dangerous too.
A soft tissue/gum graft is the perfect solution. It restores and heals the gums to their natural state of being. Dr. Bahram begins by applying a local anesthetic to the area. He’ll remove healthy gum tissue from other areas of the mouth, like the roof. It’s stretched out and stitched on the injured area. The results are a newly covered tooth. A successful graft encourages new tissue to grow. The end results are a fresh and healthy looking mouth.
Following your post-operative instructions is the only way to guarantee a successful recovery. The healing process takes upward of two weeks. Avoid eating harder foods during this time. Do not engage in any form of vigorous exercise. Don’t brush or floss near the treatment site. If you’re worried or experience signs of an infection, contact Dr. Bahram or your physician immediately. Antibiotics may be prescribed.
Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania have four office locations in the PA area. Contact each office in the Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights areas. Dr. Ramin Bahram and his staff are available by appointment. Visit our website to learn more.