Friday, May 15, 2015

Sinus Lift

Dental implants require adequate bone height and proper sinus positioning in order to be installed in the jawbone. For people needing preoperative treatment to restore bone integrity or for sinus repositioning so that dental implants can be placed, our experienced team here at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania with multiple locations in the Philadelphia, PA area, is qualified to perform advanced sinus lifts meant to add depth to the upper jawbone while lifting the sinus membrane to allow extra room for bone. Only periodontists or maxillofacial surgeons are capable of doing a sinus lift because of knowledge requirements regarding ear, nose and throat anatomy as well as surgical techniques that are not part of a regular dentist's training.

Reasons that sinus lifts are necessary prior to a dental implant procedure primarily involve bone and tooth loss. Periodontal disease that remains untreated for years can infiltrate gums and erode bone through massive bacterial activity. Losing teeth also leads to bone loss because missing teeth promotes reabsorption of bone into body. Our team here at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania also sees patients who have lost several molars and do not have sufficient bone mass for implant surgery. In regards to sinus positioning, some people are born with their maxillary sinus located abnormally close to the jaw, which can inhibit dental implant procedures.

Sinus and bone augmentation begins with your dentist taking CT scans or digital X-rays of a patient’s jaw and sinus cavity. Following a sinus lift, dental implants can be safely installed between five and 10 months later. Recovery is minimal and involves some swelling and bleeding that subsides within a few days of having the procedure.

To learn more about our experienced team here at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, please visit

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