For some children between 9 and 12 years old, their eyeteeth (canines) do not emerge when they are supposed to, and intervention from a dentist and oral surgeon is required. Cases where this occurs must be evaluated on an individual basis since there are several solutions that can be enacted. Whatever the case, the most recent studies show that early identification of impacted teeth should be initiated a young age so that treatment can begin immediately. Patients in the Philadelphia, PA area are turning to our experienced team here at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania who can devise the best plan and treatment for you.
Once a general dentist or hygienist identifies there is an eruption problem with a canine, the patient should immediately schedule an appointment for evaluation at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania. The most common scenario will call for a space to be opened in the mouth by the oral surgeon to provide room for the tooth to emerge. Commonly, an orthodontist will uses braces to move the tooth to its proper position in the dental arch. If impaction is treated early, merely exposing the eyetooth can allow it to emerge partially before it becomes completely impacted. This way braces do not have to be placed right away, saving time for the patient.
To expose the tooth, your dentist will lift the gum on top of the tooth to expose it. If a baby tooth is still present, it will be removed at the same time. If the tooth is completely impacted, an orthodontic bracket will be attached to the exposed tooth, with a chain attached to connect the tooth to an orthodontic wire. Depending on the case, the tooth can either be left exposed, or the gums will be sutured with only the chain remaining visible. Once the tooth has erupted, the chain will be removed and the gums sutured if healthy. Sometimes minor gum surgery is required to add bulk to the gums over the relocated tooth to ensure normal function.
If you suspect your child’s canine, or other tooth, is impacted, schedule an appointment with us here at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania by visiting
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