Friday, July 12, 2019

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars to emerge in the back of your mouth. When this happens, they will either come in naturally or crowd your gums due to a lack of space. If your wisdom teeth protrude from your gums, they need to be extracted at your local dental office.


At Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, we can easily detect wisdom teeth in need of removal. This consists of a physical examination and routine x-rays. In most cases, wisdom teeth erupt at an angle that causes crowding for your teeth and possible damage to your jawbone or nerves. Partially impacted wisdom teeth, those which didn’t fully emerge from the gums, increase your chances for bacteria formation. This leads to a variety of dental issues, such as cavities and periodontal (gum) disease.


If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain or there are signs of an infection, please give us a call. The earlier we remove your wisdom teeth, the lesser the chance that your teeth will shift and create future problems.


If you have any questions, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights, call 215-463-4141.

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