Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Impacted Canines

Put simply, an impacted tooth is a stuck tooth that can’t fully emerge from the gums. Most cases of impacted teeth involve the third molar (wisdom) teeth. The second most common teeth to become impacted is the maxillary cuspid (upper eyetooth). At Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, our team can help with these canine impactions.


The cuspid teeth are crucial for biting. They are designed to be the first teeth that touch when your jaws close together, guiding the rest of your teeth into place. The cuspid teeth are usually the last teeth to come in. Upon impaction, the cuspid will make every effort to reach its proper spot on the dental arch.


It is recommended by the American Association of Orthodontics that a panorex screening x-ray and examination be performed on all dental patients by the age of seven years old. This allows the dentist to predetermine any issues with the child's adult teeth. If by ages eleven to twelve the eruption pathway for the impacted tooth is clear, then most likely the tooth will emerge without intervention. If it hasn’t emerged by ages twelve to thirteen than other actions must be taken. Together, your orthodontist and oral surgeon will work with you to achieve the best possible result.


The most common outcome will start with the orthodontist placing braces onto the patient's teeth to create space for the impacted tooth. Once the space is clear, the next step is with the oral surgeon. At the surgeon's office, the gum covering the impacted tooth will be lifted. If there is a baby tooth present, it will be removed. A bracket with an attached chain will go onto the cuspid, attaching it back to the orthodontic wire. Shortly after surgery, the patient will return back to the orthodontist. A rubber band will be attached to the chain to gently force out the impacted tooth. It can take upwards of a year for the impacted tooth to fully emerge.


Dr. Bahram, Dr. Richman, Dr. Mohan, and Dr. Barunas are available at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania offices across the Philadelphia, PA area. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call one of our four locations.



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