Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jaw Tumors

Not all unusual growths in the mouth are cancerous, but they can still cause problems. At the Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, we use state-of-the-art tools to safely extract oral cysts and tumors, which can be disruptive to the surrounding jaw tissue.

An odontoma is an abnormal growth made up of the make kinds of material found in healthy teeth, such as enamel and dentin. In fact, odontomas could sometimes be mistaken for teeth if not for their unusual locations. Odontomas are the most common kind of jaw cysts, but like the others, they are linked to certain genes and can cause misalignment in teeth, pain, and difficulty swallowing. Other cysts and tumors are made of different materials.

With our piezosurgery tools, we can remove cysts and tumors with minimal risk to surrounding tissues while the patient is numbed and sedated. To ensure we understand the problem correctly, it will be necessary for some of the tumorous tissue to be assessed for cancer. We often deal with oral cancer and work closely with patients’ oncologists, but in most cases, unusual jaw growths are benign.

The Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania operate in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights. Visit Oral Surgery PA or call 215-463-4141.


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