We provide wisdom tooth extractions at the offices of the Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania in the Philly area, but there are times when an alternative is necessary. When wisdom teeth are impacted, their large crowns need to be removed because they threaten to push the other teeth out of alignment and because partially-erupted crowns pose a risk for oral hygiene. However, there are times when the crown is the only part of the tooth that needs to be removed.
Wisdom teeth are located close to the inferior alveolar nerve, which controls feelings in the chin and lower lip. They are also near the lingual nerve, which controls the tongue. If the teeth are at a very strange angle, the roots may be so close to these nerves that removing them would pose an unacceptable risk of damage to the nerves. In these cases, our doctors will cut back a flap of gum tissue and drill off the exposed crown. The roots would then be sealed and smoothed, and the gum flap sutured. This process is less strenuous on the patient than a complicated extraction. It is usually done on patients who are old enough to have fully developed tooth roots. Should the roots erupt later, they will be far enough from the nerves to be extracted safely.
The Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania operate in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights. Visit Oral Surgery PA or call 215-463-4141.
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