Friday, January 20, 2017

HPV and Oral Cancers

The Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania conduct procedures meant to do everything from relieving patients’ pain to saving their lives. While the rate of new cancer diagnoses in the United States has fallen in recent years, the rate of new oral cancer cases has remained the same, or, by some estimates, risen. Researchers believe this is because the human papilloma virus (HPV) has overtaken nicotine products as the main causative factor, and the public must learn a whole new way of thinking about oral cancers.

There are hundreds of strains of HPV, most of which are harmless and the body is able to fight off without experiencing any symptoms. There are at least nine, however, which cause cancer, and one which causes cancer in the oropharyngeal area. This is the soft palate and back of the throat, which patients usually don’t or can’t check on themselves, and oral cancers with HPV DNA are often painless until they reach an advanced stage.

Besides sneaking up on people, HPV-related oral cancers tend to strike people who are much younger than most nicotine-related oral cancer patients. The most vulnerable group is men between thirty and fifty. HPV-related oral cancers are easier than others to treat if they are caught early, but many people do not know they are at risk. There is no test for oral HPV itself; we strongly urge people who are sexually active to get screened for oral cancers regularly.

Drs. Ramin Braham and Brad Richman operate the Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania at 2546 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19145. To schedule an appointment, call 215-463-4141 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.

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