Saturday, January 16, 2016

How Smoking Affects Dental Implants

It is no secret that smoking is bad for you. It can wreak havoc on your lungs, your circulatory system, your mouth, along with many other body systems. Since smoking directly affects your mouth, it can have an effect on the success of dental implants. Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania wants our patients in the Philadelphia, PA area to understand the risks that smoking poses on dental implants.

Smoking changes the gum tissues and the blood vessels surrounding them. The top layer of skin cells in the gums thickens; a condition called keratosis. The salivary glands become blocked off and damaged, which creates dry mouth. The superficial blood vessels in the mouth become constricted, so they do not supply enough blood to the area. These effects create problems with healing, immune strength, and bacteria. Since there is decreased blood flow, the area does not heal as quickly and a dry mouth promotes gum disease. Over time, smoking increases the amount of bone loss in the area around an implant. This increases the chance of early implant loss.

While studies showed that the amount of cigarettes smoked affected the levels of changes, it is clear that smoking can pose a risk for dental implant surgery and the success of the implant. It is best to quit smoking altogether so you can have the best options and the best outcomes. To learn more about dental implants, contact Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA by calling our office at (215) 463-4141 or by visiting our website,

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