A frenectomy is a surgical procedure that removes or loosens the band of muscle tissue that is connected to the lip, cheek or floor of the mouth. Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania perform this procedure right in the office. A frenum that is too short or thick, will cause problems in speech patterns and tooth misalignment. In infants, a shortened frenum underneath the tongue will inhibit breastfeeding.
Before recommending a frenectomy, one of our doctors will consider several factors. One factor is whether the condition is likely to fix itself eventually without surgery. However, if a newborn baby is having difficulty feeding because of this condition, also known as “tongue tie,” then a frenectomy is needed. When the frenulum disrupts movement, growth, or development, corrective action is necessary to resolve the situation. If you or your child needs a frenectomy, the procedure is very successful and causes minimal discomfort.
If you have questions or concerns regarding oral surgery or appointment scheduling, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit www.oralsurgerypa.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania located in Philadelphia, call 215-463-4141.