As providers of biopsies, we at the Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania work with patients who are battling cancer. Facing a diagnosis of cancer does not mean that a person’s oral health should be neglected, but it can create complications in the form of osteonecrosis of the jaw. We want our patients to be able to understand why cooperation between oral surgeons and oncologists is so important.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is when exposed jaw bone tissue dies. It can happen as a result of herpes or severe periodontal disease, but is usually a side effect of undergoing dental extractions while on bisphosphonate medication. These treatments are used to slow bone disintegration in people with osteoporosis or who are undergoing cancer treatments such as radiation and steroid use. Some symptoms of osteonecrosis include pain, swelling, and the failure of gums to heal after extractions.
While osteonecrosis may sound terrifying, it is often responsive to conservative treatments such as antibiotic rinses. It is also a very rare problem and not particularly associated with implant placement. But because there is no good way to predict whether someone will suffer osteonecrosis, it is important for patients to share with their oncologists whether they expect to need significant dental work and to have tooth extractions done early in their cancer treatment.
The Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania operate in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights. Visit Oral Surgery PA or call 215-463-4141.