Thursday, April 26, 2018

Missing Incisors

At the offices of the Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, we provide people with replacements for missing teeth. When most people hear this, they probably think of teeth that have been lost to injury or infection, but prosthetic teeth are also of great value to people whose teeth never developed at all. In about 2% of the population, the upper lateral incisors, which are the flat teeth on the sides of the two front teeth, fail to erupt.

Fixing this problem requires collaboration between the oral surgeon and an orthodontist, particularly when the incisors exist but never descended through the gum line. In these cases, it may be necessary for the oral surgeon to cut into the gum tissue and expose the teeth and attach brackets. The incisors may then be guided into place with wires  by the orthodontist.  But when the teeth are absent altogether, they have to be substituted. If an orthodontist is able to make enough space, the incisors can be replaced with several different kinds of prosthetics depending on the patient’s needs. These could be anything from fixed single implants or bridges to removable partial dentures. If the patient decides to go that route, it is very important for them to wear their retainer, or else their teeth may shift into a position that won’t work with the denture or bridge.

The Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania operate in Philadelphia, Folsom, and Clifton Heights. Visit Oral Surgery PA or call 215-463-4141.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Smoking after Oral Surgery

The Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania don’t need to lecture you on why you shouldn’t smoke, as you are probably already aware of the consequences. Smoking after an oral surgery procedure, however, is a definite restriction. Having a tooth removed is already an unpleasant experience and smoking will only aggravate the healing process.

If you have to smoke, we ask that you please try to wait as long as possible after your procedure to do so. Smoking can interfere with the healing process and the sucking motion can dislodge blood clots that are forming as part of this process. As a result, dry sockets will form and a dry socket is associated with intense pain around the extraction site. Lighting up a cigarette is not worth the complications.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral surgery or appointment scheduling, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania located in Philadelphia, call 215-463-4141. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Avoiding Oral Infection

Any kind of surgical procedure carries the risk of infection, but by following the post-operative instructions that you will receive from the Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania, you should have a smooth recovery and no complications at all. Preventing an oral infection after a surgical procedure is critical to the healing process. Successfully doing so will keep you out of the dental chair.

If a patient undergoes tooth extraction, he or she will not be able to brush, rinse, spit, or use mouthwash for 24 hours after the procedure. To avoid infection, it’s necessary to keep the mouth as clean as possible. The next day, rinse every two hours with salt water and be careful about irritating the extraction site. Additionally, avoid foods that irritate the wound and take medication as directed.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral surgery or appointment scheduling, please give us a call. To learn more about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania located in Philadelphia, call 215-463-4141. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Bone Grafting for Dental Implants

A bone graft procedure is done to replace missing bone in a patients mouth.  The doctors at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania use a bone graft to strengthen jaw bones in preparation for dental implants.

Missing a tooth for an extended period of time can leave the jaw bone vulnerable and compromise its structure.  When a patient needs an implant for a permanent replacement tooth, a bone graft reinforces the jaw bone so it is strong enough to handle the placement of an implant. 

In our practice, we use a processed bone grafting material and graft to the compromised area of the jaw bone.  This strengthens the weakened bone, and encourages growth of new bone material as it heals.  After the procedure, the bone graft will be monitored over the course of months.  When the jaw bone has strengthened enough to handle the placement of an implant, our doctors can move forward with the patient’s plan of care.

To learn more about bone grafting and all the services we provide at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Oral Surgery Consultants of Pennsylvania located in Philadelphia, call 215-463-4141.